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Annika's Reflection

                    The establishment of the crochet club allowed me to learn more about the art of crocheting as well as help those who are less fortunate.  Although I knew how to crochet before the club was started, I was able to learn more from some of the other members. In addition, I taught and helped those were new to the medium. Even our supervisor, Ms. Tramontozzi got involved and donated yarn. It was a fun experience, because while in the club, time passed quickly and the making of a scarf felt less laborious.  Being in an environment with others motivating you and just having fun in creating art was extremely encouraging. Although crocheting outside of school was not as enjoyable, it was still worth the work to help others.  I felt that all of the members of the group were able to grow together and help each other both creatively, and as human beings.

                    I enjoy the creation of any form of art, so the creation of this CAS project was perfect.  I was able to do what I am most passionate about while still being able to help my community.  We have a fairly large amount of scarves that will be able to help many people, especially in the current cold weather.  The organization that we chose to donate to is called the Bowery Mission. The Bowery Mission is a shelter that accepts all types of donations to help provide food, clothing, medical care, and a bed to sleep on for the less fortunate.  We chose this center because it is known and well established, as it has been around since 1879. It is also located around the Lower East Side, which is an area that I am personally familiar and at home with due to it being one of the art centrals of New York City.  It combines all of what this CAS project was meant to stand for, including creativity, community service, and bringing people together. At the completion of this project, I am satisfied with the final products that our group created, and the impact of it on both the people in the club, and the people receiving them.

Annika: About
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